giovedì 19 novembre 2009

GN'R Rehearsals Update

Nice update from the rehearsals for the upcoming tour:

I was at one of their rehearsal's a few weeks ago and then todays was the full production run at a arena here in LA. I have to say, these guys got it together! All three guitar players are just monsters who each stand on their own as players, and then play really well as a unit. What's also cool is the fact that they are all quite humble and good people. For any skeptics, I can assure you that they treat the early hit's with respect by keeping the parts true to the record, yet with their own vibe and flare.

On to the fun stuff....

Richard Fortus is using his Jose Marshall ('73 I think) paired with a Friedman Marsha as well as Friedman modded Randall Modules...powered with a Randall RT-2 poweramp. He has a few pedals incorporated and all of the above is racked and switched via a custom system built by Dave. He is using two iso cabs with Golds and G12H's. He has a load of cool guitars including a Chet A. Gretsch, 335, tele's, and LP's.

DJ Ashba is their newest guitarist and sounds amazing as well. He also nails the 'classic' GN'R tones via another Marsha paired with a Boogie Dual Rect. The Boogie feeds a 4x12 with Golds while the Marsha is using V30's. He plays a variety of LP's. He's also quite a talented businessman as his graphics company did a lot of artwork for the Virgin Mega Stores and another one of his clients is Ovation (plus many others). Not bad for a rock star!

Many here know Bumblefoot and his playing famously sick! He relies on his Engl heads through Marshall 4x12 (may be using and iso but I did not have a tour of his set up. Guitar wise he sticks with is Vigier's....both standards as well as his double neck with the fretless.

They all share lead duties and then rhythm wise, Richard covers the "Izzy" vibe with his various guitars. DJ nails the Slash vibe, and Bumblefoot sits between them.

The rest of them are very solid as well.

CREDITS: TGPWebzine & GNRDaily

mercoledì 18 novembre 2009

Guns N' Roses anche in Sudamerica?!

Dopo l'ufficializzazione del mini-tour asiatico e della tournèe canadese, nuove voci riguardanti l'impegno live di Axl e soci.

Si fanno infatti insistenti le voci su un possibile passaggio in Sudamerica, dove la band ha sempre suscitato grande interesse, e che -Brasile in primis- ha davvero un legame sentimentalmente forte con Axl e con in Guns N' Roses in generale.

Perù, Argentina, Cina e Brasile (appunto), paiono le mete predestinate, con partenza subito dopo la conclusione del passaggio nella terra della foglia d'acero.

Ecco l'articolo apparso sulla versione online del cileno TERRA:

Luego de 17 años


La reformulada banda ya tiene pactada una gira sudamericana para febrero y marzo de 2010. Será la segunda visita a Santiago de los norteamericanos. (

SANTIAGO, noviembre 10.- A la inminente oficialización del retorno de Metallica para fines de enero en el Club Hípico, los productores locales ya guardan otro nombre de alto voltaje para la cartelera musical del próximo año: Guns N’ Roses, los estadounidenses que han sobrevivido a tropezones el paso de los años, la banda reformulada una y otra vez por el eterno Axl Rose.
Los promotores que manejan al conjunto ya tienen amarrado un tour latino que pasará por la región en febrero y marzo de 2010. Así también lo anunció el pasado sábado 7 el diario peruano “Perú 21”, afirmando que la agrupación aterrizará en febrero en Lima, en un recinto masivo, con capacidad para más de 40 mil personas.

En Chile, hoy son tres las productoras que han lanzado ofertas para su regreso. Pese a los trámites, uno de los involucrados dice que es casi seguro su paso por la capital para marzo, aunque aún no se ha analizado el reducto.

Hoy, el conjunto es liderado por Axl Rose, quien ha fichado a una serie de músicos para extender el legado del grupo: Tommy Stinson, Chris Pitman, Frank Ferrer, Richard Fortus, Ron ´Bumblefoot’ Thal, Dizzy Reed y DJ Ashba son los que completan la formación actual. En las próximas semanas, la banda iniciará una gira por Asia, luego partirá a Canadá y rematará el primer semestre del próximo año en Sudamérica, con fechas en Perú, Argentina, Brasil y Chile.

Todo para mostrar “Chinese democracy” (2008), el mayor despilfarro de la historia del rock, un álbum abortado durante años que finalmente recibió tibias críticas y un éxito regular de ventas. Si se cierra su paso por la capital, será el segundo show de Guns N’ Roses en el país: ya estuvieron acá en diciembre de 1992, en una recordada cita en el Estadio Nacional.

Claudio Vergara

Derechos Reservados Terra Networks Chile S.A