I Guns N' Roses suoneranno alla Yas Arena di Abu Dhabi, negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, il 16 dicembre.
Per i biglietti: eticketing.co.uk.
venerdì 22 ottobre 2010
venerdì 15 ottobre 2010
Prosegue il tour: Australia + Israele
I GN'R, salvo novità al momento ignote, termineranno il loro tour europeo a Barcellona il 23 ottobre.
Ma nn x questo significa ke gli impegni della band per il 2010 siano finiti...
Al momento sono infatti fissate 4 date in Australia, coi Korn come gruppo spalla:
1 Dicembre Reid Park, Townsville
4 Dicembre V8 Supercar Championship for the Sydney Telstra 500
7 Dicembre Adelaide Entertainment Centre
11 Dicembre Perth Motorplex
Pare inoltre ke i Guns suoneranno poi anke in Israele: Axl e soci dovrebbero essere il 18 e 19 dicembre alla Nokia Arena di Tel Aviv...
Ma nn x questo significa ke gli impegni della band per il 2010 siano finiti...
Al momento sono infatti fissate 4 date in Australia, coi Korn come gruppo spalla:
1 Dicembre Reid Park, Townsville
4 Dicembre V8 Supercar Championship for the Sydney Telstra 500
7 Dicembre Adelaide Entertainment Centre
11 Dicembre Perth Motorplex
Pare inoltre ke i Guns suoneranno poi anke in Israele: Axl e soci dovrebbero essere il 18 e 19 dicembre alla Nokia Arena di Tel Aviv...
giovedì 14 ottobre 2010
Guns N' Roses live in Italy!!! Ke spettacolo!!!
Si, lo so...
E' passato più di un mese, ma ultimamente x il bloggaggio nn è ke abbia tutto sto tempo...
Prima o poi xò dovevo raccontare la favolosa esperienza del concerto del Forum di Assago...
...ed eccomi qua!
L'emozione era fortissima, molta di più ke x il 'Gods of Metal' 2006, anke se quella era (purtroppo) la mia prima volta in assoluto coi Guns dal vivo.
Ma quello era un festival, dove i Guns erano il premio dopo una giornata di rompimento di balle assurdo x band di cui nn mi fregava nulla, e ke nn sono certo riuscite a farmi cambiare idea ascoltandole...
Questo invece era un vero e proprio concerto dei Guns N' fuckin' Roses!!!
La Legnago-Assago è infinita. Ogni tanto si sgranocchia qlc dalle vettovaglie alquanto ampie. Classica sosta piscia & snack in Autogrill, e poi si riparte...
Arrivo, parcheggio, acquisto immediato della nuova t-shirt.
Eterna, infinita, sfiancante, snervante...
Ke palle...
Aprono i cancelli!!!!!! Evvai, cazzo!!!
Si entra, assalto a un buon posto sulle gradinate. Piazzato l'accampamento giro di cesso e poi (ennesimo) spuntino.
Tocca ai Murderdolls...prima canzone passabile...poi 2 palle inaudite...
Finalmente vanno fuori dai piedi, mentre il Forum è sempre più stipato...
Via le luci...appare DJ...l'intro di 'Chinese Democracy'!!! Si parteeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Si canta, si salta, si balla, si fa air guitar su:
Chinese Democracy
Welcome To The Jungle
It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Richard Fortus Solo (James Bond Theme)/Live And Let Die
Happy Birthday x McBob, direttore del palco e tecnico dei GN'R dagli esordi
This I Love
Rocket Queen
Dizzy Reed Piano Solo/Street Of Dreams
You Could Be Mine
DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine
Band Jam (Another Brick In The Wall-Part II)
Axl Piano Solo (Goodbye Yellow Brickroad(Someone Saved My Life Tonight)/November Rain
Bumblefoot Guitar Solo (Pink Panther)/Band Jam/Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Band Jam/Paradise City
Tornano ancora fuori, inchino x il pubblico. Alla prossima, speriamo!
Grazie ragazzi, nonostante la scaletta un po' poverella (e infatti rimpinzata nelle date successive...diamine!), è stato tutto favoloso!
We love U
E' passato più di un mese, ma ultimamente x il bloggaggio nn è ke abbia tutto sto tempo...
Prima o poi xò dovevo raccontare la favolosa esperienza del concerto del Forum di Assago...
...ed eccomi qua!
L'emozione era fortissima, molta di più ke x il 'Gods of Metal' 2006, anke se quella era (purtroppo) la mia prima volta in assoluto coi Guns dal vivo.
Ma quello era un festival, dove i Guns erano il premio dopo una giornata di rompimento di balle assurdo x band di cui nn mi fregava nulla, e ke nn sono certo riuscite a farmi cambiare idea ascoltandole...
Questo invece era un vero e proprio concerto dei Guns N' fuckin' Roses!!!
La Legnago-Assago è infinita. Ogni tanto si sgranocchia qlc dalle vettovaglie alquanto ampie. Classica sosta piscia & snack in Autogrill, e poi si riparte...
Arrivo, parcheggio, acquisto immediato della nuova t-shirt.
Eterna, infinita, sfiancante, snervante...
Ke palle...
Aprono i cancelli!!!!!! Evvai, cazzo!!!
Si entra, assalto a un buon posto sulle gradinate. Piazzato l'accampamento giro di cesso e poi (ennesimo) spuntino.
Tocca ai Murderdolls...prima canzone passabile...poi 2 palle inaudite...
Finalmente vanno fuori dai piedi, mentre il Forum è sempre più stipato...
Via le luci...appare DJ...l'intro di 'Chinese Democracy'!!! Si parteeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Si canta, si salta, si balla, si fa air guitar su:
Chinese Democracy
Welcome To The Jungle
It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Richard Fortus Solo (James Bond Theme)/Live And Let Die
Happy Birthday x McBob, direttore del palco e tecnico dei GN'R dagli esordi
This I Love
Rocket Queen
Dizzy Reed Piano Solo/Street Of Dreams
You Could Be Mine
DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine
Band Jam (Another Brick In The Wall-Part II)
Axl Piano Solo (Goodbye Yellow Brickroad(Someone Saved My Life Tonight)/November Rain
Bumblefoot Guitar Solo (Pink Panther)/Band Jam/Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Band Jam/Paradise City
Tornano ancora fuori, inchino x il pubblico. Alla prossima, speriamo!
Grazie ragazzi, nonostante la scaletta un po' poverella (e infatti rimpinzata nelle date successive...diamine!), è stato tutto favoloso!
We love U
venerdì 3 settembre 2010
Il tour c'è...i casini pure...
Fortunatamente, i Guns alla fine in tour ci sono andati...
...ma ciò nn significa ke vada tutto bene...
Alla prima data, al Festival di Reading, gli organizzatori hanno tolto la corrente alla band ke aveva sforato i tempi, come x altro già annunciato dopo i problemi a Leeds 2002.
E proprio Leeds, seconda data, ha rischiato di saltare...
X rappresaglia al 'taglio' di Reading, Axl aveva annunciato ke la band nn sarebbe salita sul palco del festival 'gemello', ma poi le penali da pagare l'hanno portato a più miti consigli...
La data fila via abbastanza liscia, seppure con i soliti problemi di ritardi...
...problemi ke hanno portato ad un nuovo casino in Irlanda: il pubblico, spazientito x il ritardo dei Gunners, una volta ke la band è salita sul palco ha iniziato a bersagliare il palco con oggetti. E così Axl interrompe una prima volta il live. Al secondo stop, la band lascia il palco. Ci torna dopo 20-30 min, Axl canta piantato al microfono manco fosse Liam Gallagher e via...
Speriamo ke, dopo tutti sti casini, fili tutto liscio...visto ke adesso tocca all'Italia...
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
...ma ciò nn significa ke vada tutto bene...
Alla prima data, al Festival di Reading, gli organizzatori hanno tolto la corrente alla band ke aveva sforato i tempi, come x altro già annunciato dopo i problemi a Leeds 2002.
E proprio Leeds, seconda data, ha rischiato di saltare...
X rappresaglia al 'taglio' di Reading, Axl aveva annunciato ke la band nn sarebbe salita sul palco del festival 'gemello', ma poi le penali da pagare l'hanno portato a più miti consigli...
La data fila via abbastanza liscia, seppure con i soliti problemi di ritardi...
...problemi ke hanno portato ad un nuovo casino in Irlanda: il pubblico, spazientito x il ritardo dei Gunners, una volta ke la band è salita sul palco ha iniziato a bersagliare il palco con oggetti. E così Axl interrompe una prima volta il live. Al secondo stop, la band lascia il palco. Ci torna dopo 20-30 min, Axl canta piantato al microfono manco fosse Liam Gallagher e via...
Speriamo ke, dopo tutti sti casini, fili tutto liscio...visto ke adesso tocca all'Italia...
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
mercoledì 18 agosto 2010
Panico e mistero sulla presunta cancellazione -smentita- del tour
Si è scatenato il panico nell'etere virtuale, tra i fan dei Guns N' Roses, dopo ke sull'account Twitter UFFICIALE di Axl Rose è apparso un messaggio ke annunciava l'annullamento dell'imminente Tour Europeo della band e invitava color ke avevano comprato i biglietti, a interessarsi x il rimborso.
E' il caos...
Inizia una ridda di voci e ipotesi contrastanti, dalle quali ne emerge una ke più di altre sembra prendere piede...
Il tour sarebbe saltato in qto Bumblefoot, dopo un litigio legato al ritardo biblico con cui la band è salita sul palco dell'annuale motoraduno di Sturgis, avrebbe lasciato la band.
Ad avvalorare questa ipotesi, un video dell'inizio del concerto nel quale un Ron incazzatissimo suona 'Welcome To The Jungle' e gesticola con qualcuno facendo il gesto dell'orologio.
Un utente del forum NewGN'R lo contatta via Facebook; il chitarrista risponde di attendere 48 ore x vedere ke succede.
Poi comincia ad uscire una nuova voce: il profilo Twitter di Axl sarebbe stato vittima di hackeraggio.
A riprova di questo viene fatto osservare come il messaggio risulti postato via 'mobile web', mentre Axl è solito usare l'iPhone.
Inoltre la parola 'cancellato' non è scritta in inglese americano con una sola 'L', ma in inglese britannico, con 2.
A dar seguito a questa news è un comunicato degli organizzatori del Reading & Leeds Festival, ke con un comunicato ufficiale dichiara di aver parlato col management dei Guns, il quale avrebbe fatto sapere ke si è trattato di hackeraggio e ke il tour è confermato.
Nonostante queste rassicurazioni, qualcuno si chiede come mai nn vi sia un comunicato ufficiale della band e/o del management.
Filtra la voce ke il messaggio su Twitter nn può essere tolto e spiegazioni date a causa di un problema di password (probabilmente l'hacker l'ha cambiata).
Ron, su FB, fa sapere ke l'incazzatura era dovuta alla tensione dimostrata dal pubblico di Sturgis, dando la colpa agli organizzatori ke nn si sono premurati di annunciare il ritardo della band x problemi tecnici, cosa ke quelli del Rock N' Rev hanno spiegato solo nei giorni successivi con un comunicato ufficiale.
Pare tutto risolto, anke se...
C'è chi nn crede al caso di queste circostanze così ravvicinate, e si forma un'altra tesi: Axl, incazzato x' cm al solito verrà data a lui la colpa del super ritardo ad un concerto, sclera e decide di annullare il tour. Poi, a mente fredda e magari convinto dal management, si rimangia tutto, e s'inventano la balla dell'hacker, ecc. x coprire il tutto...
E' il caos...
Inizia una ridda di voci e ipotesi contrastanti, dalle quali ne emerge una ke più di altre sembra prendere piede...
Il tour sarebbe saltato in qto Bumblefoot, dopo un litigio legato al ritardo biblico con cui la band è salita sul palco dell'annuale motoraduno di Sturgis, avrebbe lasciato la band.
Ad avvalorare questa ipotesi, un video dell'inizio del concerto nel quale un Ron incazzatissimo suona 'Welcome To The Jungle' e gesticola con qualcuno facendo il gesto dell'orologio.
Un utente del forum NewGN'R lo contatta via Facebook; il chitarrista risponde di attendere 48 ore x vedere ke succede.
Poi comincia ad uscire una nuova voce: il profilo Twitter di Axl sarebbe stato vittima di hackeraggio.
A riprova di questo viene fatto osservare come il messaggio risulti postato via 'mobile web', mentre Axl è solito usare l'iPhone.
Inoltre la parola 'cancellato' non è scritta in inglese americano con una sola 'L', ma in inglese britannico, con 2.
A dar seguito a questa news è un comunicato degli organizzatori del Reading & Leeds Festival, ke con un comunicato ufficiale dichiara di aver parlato col management dei Guns, il quale avrebbe fatto sapere ke si è trattato di hackeraggio e ke il tour è confermato.
Nonostante queste rassicurazioni, qualcuno si chiede come mai nn vi sia un comunicato ufficiale della band e/o del management.
Filtra la voce ke il messaggio su Twitter nn può essere tolto e spiegazioni date a causa di un problema di password (probabilmente l'hacker l'ha cambiata).
Ron, su FB, fa sapere ke l'incazzatura era dovuta alla tensione dimostrata dal pubblico di Sturgis, dando la colpa agli organizzatori ke nn si sono premurati di annunciare il ritardo della band x problemi tecnici, cosa ke quelli del Rock N' Rev hanno spiegato solo nei giorni successivi con un comunicato ufficiale.
Pare tutto risolto, anke se...
C'è chi nn crede al caso di queste circostanze così ravvicinate, e si forma un'altra tesi: Axl, incazzato x' cm al solito verrà data a lui la colpa del super ritardo ad un concerto, sclera e decide di annullare il tour. Poi, a mente fredda e magari convinto dal management, si rimangia tutto, e s'inventano la balla dell'hacker, ecc. x coprire il tutto...
mercoledì 11 agosto 2010
European Second Leg 2010 - Date Ufficiali
Ecco, al momento, quello ke risulta essere il calendario ufficiale della seconda parte del tour europeo dei Guns, secondo qto riportato dal loro sito ufficiale:
Date City Venue
Aug. 27 Reading Festival
Aug. 29 Leeds Festival
Aug. 31 Belfast Odyssey
Sept. 1 Dublin 02 Arena
Sept. 4 Rome Palalottomatica
Sept. 5 Milan Forum
Sept. 8 Zurich Hallenstadion
Sept. 10 Metz-Amneville Galaxie
Sept. 13 Paris Bercy
Sept. 16 Geneva Arena
Sept. 18 Vienna Stadthalle
Sept. 21 Bucharest Romexpo
Sept. 23 Belgrade Arena
Sept. 24 Zagreb Arena
Sept. 27 Prague 02 Arena
Sept. 30 Antwerp Sportpalais
Oct. 2 Lille Zenith
Oct. 3 Arnhem Gelredome
Oct. 6 Lisbon Atlantico Pavillion
Oct. 9 Madrid Vistalegre
Oct. 10 San Sebastian Velodromo Anoeta
Oct. 13 London 02 Arena
Oct. 17 Birmingham LG Arena
Oct. 18 Manchester Men Arena
Oct. 22 Zaragoza Principe Felipe
Oct. 23 Barcelona Olimpic de Barcelona
CREDITS: GunsNRoses.com
Date City Venue
Aug. 27 Reading Festival
Aug. 29 Leeds Festival
Aug. 31 Belfast Odyssey
Sept. 1 Dublin 02 Arena
Sept. 4 Rome Palalottomatica
Sept. 5 Milan Forum
Sept. 8 Zurich Hallenstadion
Sept. 10 Metz-Amneville Galaxie
Sept. 13 Paris Bercy
Sept. 16 Geneva Arena
Sept. 18 Vienna Stadthalle
Sept. 21 Bucharest Romexpo
Sept. 23 Belgrade Arena
Sept. 24 Zagreb Arena
Sept. 27 Prague 02 Arena
Sept. 30 Antwerp Sportpalais
Oct. 2 Lille Zenith
Oct. 3 Arnhem Gelredome
Oct. 6 Lisbon Atlantico Pavillion
Oct. 9 Madrid Vistalegre
Oct. 10 San Sebastian Velodromo Anoeta
Oct. 13 London 02 Arena
Oct. 17 Birmingham LG Arena
Oct. 18 Manchester Men Arena
Oct. 22 Zaragoza Principe Felipe
Oct. 23 Barcelona Olimpic de Barcelona
CREDITS: GunsNRoses.com
lunedì 7 giugno 2010
European Second Leg 2010 - Aggiornamento
Nuove date per la seconda parte del tour europeo...
08.31 Belfast, Northern Ireland @ Odyssey Arena
09.08 Zurich, Switzerland @ Hallenstadion
09.16 Genève, Switzerland @ Genève Arena
09.30 Antwerpen, Belgium @ Sportpaleis
08.31 Belfast, Northern Ireland @ Odyssey Arena
09.08 Zurich, Switzerland @ Hallenstadion
09.16 Genève, Switzerland @ Genève Arena
09.30 Antwerpen, Belgium @ Sportpaleis
sabato 5 giugno 2010
Guns N' Roses European Summer Tour 2010
Axl e i suoi ragazzi hanno da poco inziato il loro tour estivo europeo. Finora hanno suonato in queste date:
05.31 - Bergen, Norway @ Vestlandshallen
06.02 - Oslo, Norway @ Oslo Spektrum
La prima parte del tour proseguirà così:
06.5 - Helsinki, Finland @ Käpylän Urheilupuisto (Helsinki Live 2010)
06.6 - Saint Petersburg, Russia @ Ledovy Dvorets
06.8 - Moscow, Russia @ Olympiyskiy Stadium
06.12 - Norje, Sweden @ Norje Havsbad (Sweden Rock Festival)
06.14 - Aalborg, Denmark @ Gigantium
E queste sono le date x la second leg (si aspetta la conferma x delle altre):
08.27 - Reading, England @ Little John's Farm (Reading Festival)
08.29 - Leeds, England @ Bramham Park (Leeds Festival)
09.01 - Dublin, Ireland @ O2 Arena
09.04 - Rome, Italy @ Palalottomatica
09.05 - Milan, Italy @ Mediolanum Forum
09.10 - Amneville, France @ Le Galaxie Arena
09.13 - Paris, France @ Bercy Arena
09.18 - Vienna, Austria @ Wiener Stadthalle Arena
09.23 - Belgrade, Serbia @ Belgrade Arena
09.24 - Zagreb, Crotia @ Arena Hall
10.02 - Lille, France @ Zenith Grand Paladis
10.03 - Arnhem, Netherlands @ GelreDome XS
10.09 - Madrid, Spain @ Palacio de Vistalegre
10.10 - San Sebastian, Spain @ Velódromo de Anoeta
10.13 - Zaragoza, Spain @ Pabellón Príncipe Felipe
10.14 - Barcelona, Spain @ Palau Olímpic de Badalona
Pare ke inoltre la band sarà in Australia a dicembre...
05.31 - Bergen, Norway @ Vestlandshallen
06.02 - Oslo, Norway @ Oslo Spektrum
La prima parte del tour proseguirà così:
06.5 - Helsinki, Finland @ Käpylän Urheilupuisto (Helsinki Live 2010)
06.6 - Saint Petersburg, Russia @ Ledovy Dvorets
06.8 - Moscow, Russia @ Olympiyskiy Stadium
06.12 - Norje, Sweden @ Norje Havsbad (Sweden Rock Festival)
06.14 - Aalborg, Denmark @ Gigantium
E queste sono le date x la second leg (si aspetta la conferma x delle altre):
08.27 - Reading, England @ Little John's Farm (Reading Festival)
08.29 - Leeds, England @ Bramham Park (Leeds Festival)
09.01 - Dublin, Ireland @ O2 Arena
09.04 - Rome, Italy @ Palalottomatica
09.05 - Milan, Italy @ Mediolanum Forum
09.10 - Amneville, France @ Le Galaxie Arena
09.13 - Paris, France @ Bercy Arena
09.18 - Vienna, Austria @ Wiener Stadthalle Arena
09.23 - Belgrade, Serbia @ Belgrade Arena
09.24 - Zagreb, Crotia @ Arena Hall
10.02 - Lille, France @ Zenith Grand Paladis
10.03 - Arnhem, Netherlands @ GelreDome XS
10.09 - Madrid, Spain @ Palacio de Vistalegre
10.10 - San Sebastian, Spain @ Velódromo de Anoeta
10.13 - Zaragoza, Spain @ Pabellón Príncipe Felipe
10.14 - Barcelona, Spain @ Palau Olímpic de Badalona
Pare ke inoltre la band sarà in Australia a dicembre...
I Guns N' Roses tornano in Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sabato 4 settembre 2010 - PalaLottomatica ROMA
Domenica 5 settembre 2010 - Forum di Assago MILANO
Biglietto milanese già comprato, of course!!!
Sabato 4 settembre 2010 - PalaLottomatica ROMA
Domenica 5 settembre 2010 - Forum di Assago MILANO
Biglietto milanese già comprato, of course!!!
giovedì 1 aprile 2010
Slash: alcune anticipazioni...
Ecco il singolo di lancio di 'Slash'...'By The Sword', con Andrew Stockdale dei Wolfmother alla voce...
Qui abbiamo invece la rivisitazione che Slash fa della storica hit dei Guns, 'Paradise City', con Cypress Hill e Fergie dei Black Eyed Peas...doveva essere una b-side/bonus track, ma x problemi legali nn sarà pubblicata...
Qui abbiamo invece la rivisitazione che Slash fa della storica hit dei Guns, 'Paradise City', con Cypress Hill e Fergie dei Black Eyed Peas...doveva essere una b-side/bonus track, ma x problemi legali nn sarà pubblicata...
martedì 30 marzo 2010
I GN'R suoneranno ai Festival di Reading e Leeds
I Guns N' Roses saranno, con Arcade Fire e Blink 182, gli headliners alle annuali edizioni dei Leeds e Reading Festivals.
Rispettivamente, i festival si terranno il 27 agosto a Reading e il 29 agosto a Leeds.
A quest'ultimo, i Guns hanno già partecipato nel primo vero tour post-Slash, quello conclusosi mestamente e bruscamente a metà dell'american leg...
X qto riguarda Reading, invece, si tratta di un debutto x la band.
Tra gli altri gruppi presenti, ci saranno: Queens Of The Stone Age, Biffy Cyro, Lostprophets, NOFX, Gogol Bordello e Billy Talent.
Rispettivamente, i festival si terranno il 27 agosto a Reading e il 29 agosto a Leeds.
A quest'ultimo, i Guns hanno già partecipato nel primo vero tour post-Slash, quello conclusosi mestamente e bruscamente a metà dell'american leg...
X qto riguarda Reading, invece, si tratta di un debutto x la band.
Tra gli altri gruppi presenti, ci saranno: Queens Of The Stone Age, Biffy Cyro, Lostprophets, NOFX, Gogol Bordello e Billy Talent.
venerdì 12 marzo 2010
Slash annuncia la band x il suo tour
Saranno Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge) alla voce, Bobby Schneck (già nei Slash's Blues Ball) alla chitarra ritmica, Dave Henning (Big Wreck) al basso e Brent Fitz (Alice Cooper) alla batteria ad accompagnare Slash nel tour promozionale di 'Slash', il primo album solo a proprio nome del leggendario chitarrista ex Guns N' Roses.
La tournèe dovrebbe iniziare il mese prossimo, dove e qdo esattamente sarà annunciato a breve.
La tournèe dovrebbe iniziare il mese prossimo, dove e qdo esattamente sarà annunciato a breve.
lunedì 8 marzo 2010
Guns N' Roses in Croazia!
I Guns si avvicinano sempre di più all'Italia...e le speranze aumentano...
Se tutto sarà confermato, Axl e soci saranno il 20 giugno in concerto a Zagabria, in Croazia, in uno dei tanti festival europei dell'estate, per cui pare i Gunners siano pronti a invadere il nostro continente...
Se tutto sarà confermato, Axl e soci saranno il 20 giugno in concerto a Zagabria, in Croazia, in uno dei tanti festival europei dell'estate, per cui pare i Gunners siano pronti a invadere il nostro continente...
lunedì 22 febbraio 2010
Guns al 'Rock In Rio' di Madrid?!
Altri rumors, ormai a getto continuo...
Stavolta si vocifera ke i Guns dovrebbero partecipare a una manifestazione cui sono molto legati, il 'Rock In Rio'. Per loro, già 3 partecipazioni: all'edizione numero 2 nella UYI Era (fu la prima uscita ufficiale con i GN'R di Matt Sorum e Dizzy Reed), nel 2001 x il trionfale ritorno sulle scene di Axl con la nuova band e alla seconda edizione in terra portoghese, a Lisbona. Questa volta la manifestazione si terrà a Madrid, in Spagna, nei giorni 4,5,10,11 e 12 giugno all'Arganda del Rey.
E l'Italia?! Noi continuiamo a sperare...
Stavolta si vocifera ke i Guns dovrebbero partecipare a una manifestazione cui sono molto legati, il 'Rock In Rio'. Per loro, già 3 partecipazioni: all'edizione numero 2 nella UYI Era (fu la prima uscita ufficiale con i GN'R di Matt Sorum e Dizzy Reed), nel 2001 x il trionfale ritorno sulle scene di Axl con la nuova band e alla seconda edizione in terra portoghese, a Lisbona. Questa volta la manifestazione si terrà a Madrid, in Spagna, nei giorni 4,5,10,11 e 12 giugno all'Arganda del Rey.
E l'Italia?! Noi continuiamo a sperare...
venerdì 19 febbraio 2010
A breve l'annuncio del tour europeo?!
Dopo la partecipazione al festival svedese (confermata, sarà la serata finale del 12 giugno), ecco una nuova data europea x i Guns N' Roses.
Axl e soci saranno ad Helsinki, Finlandia sabato 5 giugno 2010, all'Helsinki Live! - One Day Rock Festival, ke si terrà al Käpylän Urheilupuisto.
Che queste due date siano il preludio all'annuncio di un tour europeo?!?

Inoltre si vocifera ke il 13 giugno saranno ad Aalborg, in Danimarca e si parla con insistenza dei Festival di Reading e Leeds, in Inghilterra...
Axl e soci saranno ad Helsinki, Finlandia sabato 5 giugno 2010, all'Helsinki Live! - One Day Rock Festival, ke si terrà al Käpylän Urheilupuisto.
Che queste due date siano il preludio all'annuncio di un tour europeo?!?

Inoltre si vocifera ke il 13 giugno saranno ad Aalborg, in Danimarca e si parla con insistenza dei Festival di Reading e Leeds, in Inghilterra...
lunedì 15 febbraio 2010
Live futuri e sopresa...
News sempre più interessanti dal mondo GN'R...
Aggiunta un'altra data x il tour sudamericano, il 27 marzo all' Hipódromo La Rinconada di Caracas, Venezuela.
Inoltre i Guns N' Roses sono in cartellone x lo Sweden Rock Festival, ke si terrà a Soelvesborg, appunto in Svezia, tra il 9 e il 12 giugno.
Nel frattempo Axl e soci hanno tenuto due concerti sopresa a New York; il primo nell'ex CBGB's, il mitico tempio del punk americano. Il secondo, ironia del destino, al Rose Bar.
Aggiunta un'altra data x il tour sudamericano, il 27 marzo all' Hipódromo La Rinconada di Caracas, Venezuela.
Inoltre i Guns N' Roses sono in cartellone x lo Sweden Rock Festival, ke si terrà a Soelvesborg, appunto in Svezia, tra il 9 e il 12 giugno.
Nel frattempo Axl e soci hanno tenuto due concerti sopresa a New York; il primo nell'ex CBGB's, il mitico tempio del punk americano. Il secondo, ironia del destino, al Rose Bar.
mercoledì 3 febbraio 2010
Altre 2 date x il Sudamerica!
Secondo i media locali, i GN'R suoneranno al Simon Bolivar Park di Bogotà, Colombia, il 30 marzo.
The band è data inoltre in programma all'Estadio Olimpico Atahualpa di Quito, Ecuador, il primo aprile.
The band è data inoltre in programma all'Estadio Olimpico Atahualpa di Quito, Ecuador, il primo aprile.
martedì 2 febbraio 2010
'Slash': artwork & tracklist
Secondo 'Ultimate Guitar', questi dovrebbero essere la copertina e la trackist del disco solista di Slash, intolato semplicemente col nome del leggendario chitarrista...

01. Ghost (Ian Astbury/feat. Izzy Stradlin')
02. Beautiful Dangerous (Fergie)
03. Nothing To Say (M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold)
04. Crucify The Dead (Ozzy Osbourne)
05. Promise (Chris Cornell)
06. By The Sword (Andrew Stockdale of WOLFMOTHER)
07. Doctor Alibi (Lemmy Kilmeister)
08. Saint Is A Sinner Too (Rocco De Luca)
09. Watch This (Dave Grohl/Duff McKagan)
10. I Hold On (Kid Rock)
11. Gotten (Adam Levine)
12. We're All Gonna Die (Iggy Pop)
13. Starlight (Myles Kennedy)

01. Ghost (Ian Astbury/feat. Izzy Stradlin')
02. Beautiful Dangerous (Fergie)
03. Nothing To Say (M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold)
04. Crucify The Dead (Ozzy Osbourne)
05. Promise (Chris Cornell)
06. By The Sword (Andrew Stockdale of WOLFMOTHER)
07. Doctor Alibi (Lemmy Kilmeister)
08. Saint Is A Sinner Too (Rocco De Luca)
09. Watch This (Dave Grohl/Duff McKagan)
10. I Hold On (Kid Rock)
11. Gotten (Adam Levine)
12. We're All Gonna Die (Iggy Pop)
13. Starlight (Myles Kennedy)
Review: Guns N' Roses in Ottawa
"Is he an only child," the 20-something woman asks about Axl Rose, who by this point on Sunday at Scotiabank Place has kept 8,000 fans waiting for almost 90 minutes. "Hurry the f-ck up man, people are waiting," says the young woman, who, like her mother standing next to her, has a sloshing cup of frothy draught beer in her hand. “I’ve wanted to see this show for 20 years,” her mother says. So what’s another half hour?
Axl Rose has made such a business of keeping fans waiting that they'd probably be disappointed if he did show up on time. It was almost midnight when he took the stage here a few years ago. It was 11:15 p.m. Sunday when he finally appeared with his latest version of Guns N’ Roses – though calling it that seems silly, liking watching Paul McCartney and pretending you saw the Beatles. Not that the fans seem to mind, as they often roared “GUNS-AND-ROSES!” during the two-hour-and-45-minute set, a performance so long that it started in one month and ended in another.
It began with Chinese Democracy, and the song, like the album of the same name that was 13 years or so in the making, hardly seemed worth the wait. None of the songs that Rose has written since Slash and Izzy Stradlin left the band can stand with the earlier work. No better evidence was needed than the skittering guitar line that told the crowd the next song was Welcome to the Jungle, the monster from their 1987 breakthrough album Appetite for Destruction.
This was the trade-off that fans got all night long – a song from 2008’s Chinese Democracy and then a song from the back catalogue. Next came 1987’s It’s So Easy, complete with chest-constricting explosions on stage, and then another vintage GNR track, Mr. Brownstone. “The show usually starts around seven/ We go on stage around nine,” the song goes. Who says Rose has no sense of humour?
Rose seemed in high spirits, running full-out from one wing of the large stage to the other, rather impressively for a 47-year-old man who’s had his share of decadent living. He was talkative, too. After one of many wardrobe changes he told us he’d ripped his pants. “I blew my ass out.” This knowledge made it a bit scarier when he tried that serpentine shuffle he used to do so well back in the day, when he was younger and more limber.
They played Sorry and Better, two more from Chinese Democracy, before guitarist Richard Fortus kicked into Live and Let Die. This cover of McCartney’s song has long been a highlight of any GNR show, but the limitations of Rose’s voice were uncharacteristically apparent. He can still twist out that raspy howl, but his vocal cords, which serve an intensely demanding master, were crapping out on the high end, and elsewhere.
Sweet Child o’ Mine was his greatest test. Rose, in yet another new shirt, audibly clipped the first “whooaaaaaa, sweet child o’ mine,” but the crowd picked up the vocal slack quick enough.
The crowd was into it, though by 12:30 Monday morning it was a long way from 8 p.m., when most fans had arrived to see openers Danko Jones and Sebastian Bach. By 1:00 some fans were putting on their coats and leaving, thinking about work in a few hours, no doubt. Too bad. They missed Bubbles, from Trailer Park Boys, and they missed Guns’ classics such as the ballistic You Could Be Mine, Patience, and Paradise City, which closed the show at 2 a.m.
Rose stuck around and served shots of booze to a couple of fans down front. It was like he didn’t want to leave, and why would he? He’s a classic rocker, and if there’s one thing Ottawa loves more than politics, it’s classic rock.
Source: Ottawa Citizen
Axl Rose has made such a business of keeping fans waiting that they'd probably be disappointed if he did show up on time. It was almost midnight when he took the stage here a few years ago. It was 11:15 p.m. Sunday when he finally appeared with his latest version of Guns N’ Roses – though calling it that seems silly, liking watching Paul McCartney and pretending you saw the Beatles. Not that the fans seem to mind, as they often roared “GUNS-AND-ROSES!” during the two-hour-and-45-minute set, a performance so long that it started in one month and ended in another.
It began with Chinese Democracy, and the song, like the album of the same name that was 13 years or so in the making, hardly seemed worth the wait. None of the songs that Rose has written since Slash and Izzy Stradlin left the band can stand with the earlier work. No better evidence was needed than the skittering guitar line that told the crowd the next song was Welcome to the Jungle, the monster from their 1987 breakthrough album Appetite for Destruction.
This was the trade-off that fans got all night long – a song from 2008’s Chinese Democracy and then a song from the back catalogue. Next came 1987’s It’s So Easy, complete with chest-constricting explosions on stage, and then another vintage GNR track, Mr. Brownstone. “The show usually starts around seven/ We go on stage around nine,” the song goes. Who says Rose has no sense of humour?
Rose seemed in high spirits, running full-out from one wing of the large stage to the other, rather impressively for a 47-year-old man who’s had his share of decadent living. He was talkative, too. After one of many wardrobe changes he told us he’d ripped his pants. “I blew my ass out.” This knowledge made it a bit scarier when he tried that serpentine shuffle he used to do so well back in the day, when he was younger and more limber.
They played Sorry and Better, two more from Chinese Democracy, before guitarist Richard Fortus kicked into Live and Let Die. This cover of McCartney’s song has long been a highlight of any GNR show, but the limitations of Rose’s voice were uncharacteristically apparent. He can still twist out that raspy howl, but his vocal cords, which serve an intensely demanding master, were crapping out on the high end, and elsewhere.
Sweet Child o’ Mine was his greatest test. Rose, in yet another new shirt, audibly clipped the first “whooaaaaaa, sweet child o’ mine,” but the crowd picked up the vocal slack quick enough.
The crowd was into it, though by 12:30 Monday morning it was a long way from 8 p.m., when most fans had arrived to see openers Danko Jones and Sebastian Bach. By 1:00 some fans were putting on their coats and leaving, thinking about work in a few hours, no doubt. Too bad. They missed Bubbles, from Trailer Park Boys, and they missed Guns’ classics such as the ballistic You Could Be Mine, Patience, and Paradise City, which closed the show at 2 a.m.
Rose stuck around and served shots of booze to a couple of fans down front. It was like he didn’t want to leave, and why would he? He’s a classic rocker, and if there’s one thing Ottawa loves more than politics, it’s classic rock.
Source: Ottawa Citizen
Guns N' Roses show worth the wait
How do you know you're at a Guns N' Roses concert?
You have to wait a really long time for the show begin.
And so it went on Thursday night at the Air Canada Centre as a crowd of about 21,000 waited for frontman Axl Rose to begin just over two hours past the scheduled start time - would you believe at 11:25 p.m.? - following sets by homegrown opening acts Danko Jones and Sebastian Bach.
Somebody needs to grease Axl's wheels. Seriously.
Of course, waiting for the 47-year-old Rose is nothing new.
He made fans wait some 17 years for the latest GN'R release of original music, Chinese Democracy, which came out in November 2008, and for which Rose is currently touring the world, including some 13 dates in Canada in January and February.
While fans cooled their heels at the ACC, women in the stands - either in various states of undress or making out with each other - were shown to huge cheers but time dragged on and there were boos as the crowd's impatience grew.
By the time Rose and the latest lineup of Gunners - guitarists Richard Fortus, Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal and DJ Ashba, keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman, drummer Frank Ferrer and one-time Replacements bassist Tommy Stinson - opened with Chinese Democracy's title track, it felt underwhelming.
Especially since Rose made his entrance in a wheelchair, wearing a black fedora over his red scarf and sunglasses (the fedora and glasses he eventually ditched), his blond hair now shoulder length and sporting a moustache, dressed in an unbuttoned shirt and jeans with a large cross and heavy necklaces adorning his chest.
"Sorry about the time delay," said Rose after that first song. "We got a little carried away .... last night. But anyway, we're here."
He even joked later that some local deejay had predicted the band wouldn't go on until 2 a.m.
"I'm early," he cracked.
Thankfully, Rose and company got the crowd quickly on side with the second song, an explosion-heavy version of the GN'R classic Welcome To The Jungle.
Other song highlights were no surprise: A fiery, explosion-laced version of Live and Let Die; the GN'R signature song, Sweet Child O' Mine featuring stellar guitar work by Ashba; the heartfelt ballad November Rain with Rose at the piano; the propulsive You Could Be Mine; a great cover of Bob Dylan's Knockin' On Heaven's Door that included an audience singalong; the anthemic Night Train and the show-ending Paradise City complete with more explosions pink confetti and silver streamers. (It's 1:55 a.m when they finally leave the stage although Axl returns to take a bow with his band and distribute shots to some people in the crowd and throw flowers out into the audience.)
Less effective was much of the Chinese Democracy material save for the soulful mid-tempo rocker Street Of Dreams; the dramatic power ballads Madagascar and This I Love, the latter featuring Rose standing on top of Reed's piano.
On the plus side, Rose proved to be a non-stop man in motion, constantly running around his enormous stage that was adorned with large video screens and lighting columns, two circular staircases, three mini-catwalks, and elevating platforms for the guitarists to play on.
He also performed his trademark side-to-side dance moves and stomped his right leg so hard, it's no wonder he kept running off to a little black tent at the side of the stage where he changed his sweat-soaked shirts.
Rose was generous frontman too, sharing the spotlight with nearly all of his musicians who were given extended solos with special mention to Reed on a mirrored grand piano and the heavily-tattooed Ashba on a glittery black guitar.
Axl even performed his own instrumental piano medley of Elton John songs.
So far the best reported sidebar about this tour is that the Rose has banned Guns N' Roses fans from wearing Slash T-shirts or top hats (I'm pretty sure Ashba was symbolically wearing a squished one) at the shows.
The incredibly silly move has been denied by Rose's camp even though TMZ claims a member of the concert security team has confirmed it.
Rose and Slash has been at odds since the guitarist left GN'R in 1996 and then wrote about their feud in his 2007 autobiography.
Someone will have to ask the former GN'R axeman, who will release a solo album later this year, what he makes of it all when the guitarist shows up at Canadian Music Week in Toronto in mid-March to be a keynote speaker and play some tunes.
Or not.
Can't we all just get along?
How do you know you're at a Guns N' Roses concert?
You have to wait a really long time for the show begin.
And so it went on Thursday night at the Air Canada Centre as a crowd of about 21,000 waited for frontman Axl Rose to begin just over two hours past the scheduled start time - would you believe at 11:25 p.m.? - following sets by homegrown opening acts Danko Jones and Sebastian Bach.
Somebody needs to grease Axl's wheels. Seriously.
Of course, waiting for the 47-year-old Rose is nothing new.
He made fans wait some 17 years for the latest GN'R release of original music, Chinese Democracy, which came out in November 2008, and for which Rose is currently touring the world, including some 13 dates in Canada in January and February.
While fans cooled their heels at the ACC, women in the stands - either in various states of undress or making out with each other - were shown to huge cheers but time dragged on and there were boos as the crowd's impatience grew.
By the time Rose and the latest lineup of Gunners - guitarists Richard Fortus, Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal and DJ Ashba, keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman, drummer Frank Ferrer and one-time Replacements bassist Tommy Stinson - opened with Chinese Democracy's title track, it felt underwhelming.
Especially since Rose made his entrance in a wheelchair, wearing a black fedora over his red scarf and sunglasses (the fedora and glasses he eventually ditched), his blond hair now shoulder length and sporting a moustache, dressed in an unbuttoned shirt and jeans with a large cross and heavy necklaces adorning his chest.
"Sorry about the time delay," said Rose after that first song. "We got a little carried away .... last night. But anyway, we're here."
He even joked later that some local deejay had predicted the band wouldn't go on until 2 a.m.
"I'm early," he cracked.
Thankfully, Rose and company got the crowd quickly on side with the second song, an explosion-heavy version of the GN'R classic Welcome To The Jungle.
Other song highlights were no surprise: A fiery, explosion-laced version of Live and Let Die; the GN'R signature song, Sweet Child O' Mine featuring stellar guitar work by Ashba; the heartfelt ballad November Rain with Rose at the piano; the propulsive You Could Be Mine; a great cover of Bob Dylan's Knockin' On Heaven's Door that included an audience singalong; the anthemic Night Train and the show-ending Paradise City complete with more explosions pink confetti and silver streamers. (It's 1:55 a.m when they finally leave the stage although Axl returns to take a bow with his band and distribute shots to some people in the crowd and throw flowers out into the audience.)
Less effective was much of the Chinese Democracy material save for the soulful mid-tempo rocker Street Of Dreams; the dramatic power ballads Madagascar and This I Love, the latter featuring Rose standing on top of Reed's piano.
On the plus side, Rose proved to be a non-stop man in motion, constantly running around his enormous stage that was adorned with large video screens and lighting columns, two circular staircases, three mini-catwalks, and elevating platforms for the guitarists to play on.
He also performed his trademark side-to-side dance moves and stomped his right leg so hard, it's no wonder he kept running off to a little black tent at the side of the stage where he changed his sweat-soaked shirts.
Rose was generous frontman too, sharing the spotlight with nearly all of his musicians who were given extended solos with special mention to Reed on a mirrored grand piano and the heavily-tattooed Ashba on a glittery black guitar.
Axl even performed his own instrumental piano medley of Elton John songs.
So far the best reported sidebar about this tour is that the Rose has banned Guns N' Roses fans from wearing Slash T-shirts or top hats (I'm pretty sure Ashba was symbolically wearing a squished one) at the shows.
The incredibly silly move has been denied by Rose's camp even though TMZ claims a member of the concert security team has confirmed it.
Rose and Slash has been at odds since the guitarist left GN'R in 1996 and then wrote about their feud in his 2007 autobiography.
Someone will have to ask the former GN'R axeman, who will release a solo album later this year, what he makes of it all when the guitarist shows up at Canadian Music Week in Toronto in mid-March to be a keynote speaker and play some tunes.
Or not.
Can't we all just get along?
GN'R Bring Chinese Democracy Tour Across Canada
(HoundsTV – Toronto) If there is one thing Guns N’ Roses 2010 Canadian tour has confirmed – Axl Rose still lives and loves the rock star lifestyle – relentless touring, late night partying, and lots of pretty ladies.
Axl and his Guns N’ Roses mates have been in eastern Canada the last week finishing up a 13 show trek across Canada to kick off a 2010 world tour in support of Chinese Democracy – Axl’s long awaited, and massively under-appreciated gem of a GN’R album.
The talk among many, many, many of the reviews has been the unpredictable late start to the GN’R shows occurring each night. For the Hamilton, London, and Montreal shows – Axl has been taking the stage around 10:30 and playing 2 1/2 hour sets ending around 1 a.m. We are not quite sure why so many people have been whining about the late starts -
BUT PEOPLE! Its a Guns N’ Fuckin’ Roses concert – not Disney on ice. So what if Axl is taking the stage at 10, 11 or 12?
But up here in Canada, venue officials and police do have concerns about rock concert crowds spilling out into the streets at very late hours. So all Canadian arenas have bylaw curfews (usually 11:59 p.m.) where the music is supposed to end or the concert promoter starts paying heavy penalties. The promoters and management of the GN’R tour surely paid some big penalties that night in Toronto when Rose was still on stage past 2 a.m.
In fact, when Guns N’ Roses took the stage at 11:30 in Toronto, discussions did occur with venue officials and GN’R management about cutting the set significantly shorter – to maybe 1 1/2 hours to help get the ACC crowd out still by about 1 a.m. Rose’s management refused. In the end, one or two songs were cut from the planned set list to try for a 2 a.m. finish. The word through Axl’s people was the GN’R set was minimum 2 1/2 hours and they were giving the fans ONLY a full set – no matter how late or whatever financial penalties they would incur.
So why did Guns N’ Roses take the stage so late in Toronto? It might have something to do with the fact Axl didn’t leave his downtown Toronto hotel till 11:15 p.m. for the show.
And why wasn’t Rose ready for the Toronto stage? Perhaps it had something to do with a very good time Axl and his GN’R mates had in Montreal the night before (actually, more the morning of..)
Rose made light reference to his previous night of Montreal debauchery kicking off the Toronto set, “Sorry about the time delay. I got carried away jumping off shit last night…I actually don’t remember a thing..”
After GN’R’s Montreal show the previous night, the band hit up a private club in old Montreal eventually emerging from the club at 6:30am in quite the high spirits. From there, it was time to head back to Toronto for the Air Canada Centre show that evening. And that evening started with
Rose going from his Toronto hotel room at 11:15 pm – to an awaiting vehicle speeding through traffic the ten minute drive south to the ACC – and joining his GN’R mates on the Air Canada Centre stage with the lights dimming just before 11:30 pm.
And the rush showed in a very uninspired opening of Chinese Democracy where Axl’s voice was clearly a little off. Rose exited halfway through the song to switch mics. The second song of the night, Welcome to the Jungle, was better and the songs familiarity helped to get the crowd going – but it was clear Axl’s voice was still ramping up (and Rose was maybe still waking up?)
By the time Live and Let Die rolled around forty-five minutes into the set – Rose was surely finding his voice and it was sounding strong. Axl and the band did a great version of Catcher in the Rye – in honor of J.D. Salinger who passed away that day (remarked by Rose.)
But its when the GN’R set passed the 1 a.m. mark and Axl delivered You Could Be Mine, Knockin on Heaven’s door, and November Rain you knew you were seeing classic Axl, in almost perfert form – and well worth the wait.
After the ACC show. Axl, his Guns N’ Roses bandmates, Sebastian Bach and many more partied well into the wee morning hours at a King St. Toronto club.
Guns N’ Roses wraps up the 2010 Chinese Democracy Canadian tour with three final dates out east in Quebec City, Moncton, and Halifax this week.
Thanks: Richard
Photo Credit: Richard Budman
Source: HoundsTV.com
Axl and his Guns N’ Roses mates have been in eastern Canada the last week finishing up a 13 show trek across Canada to kick off a 2010 world tour in support of Chinese Democracy – Axl’s long awaited, and massively under-appreciated gem of a GN’R album.
The talk among many, many, many of the reviews has been the unpredictable late start to the GN’R shows occurring each night. For the Hamilton, London, and Montreal shows – Axl has been taking the stage around 10:30 and playing 2 1/2 hour sets ending around 1 a.m. We are not quite sure why so many people have been whining about the late starts -
BUT PEOPLE! Its a Guns N’ Fuckin’ Roses concert – not Disney on ice. So what if Axl is taking the stage at 10, 11 or 12?
But up here in Canada, venue officials and police do have concerns about rock concert crowds spilling out into the streets at very late hours. So all Canadian arenas have bylaw curfews (usually 11:59 p.m.) where the music is supposed to end or the concert promoter starts paying heavy penalties. The promoters and management of the GN’R tour surely paid some big penalties that night in Toronto when Rose was still on stage past 2 a.m.
In fact, when Guns N’ Roses took the stage at 11:30 in Toronto, discussions did occur with venue officials and GN’R management about cutting the set significantly shorter – to maybe 1 1/2 hours to help get the ACC crowd out still by about 1 a.m. Rose’s management refused. In the end, one or two songs were cut from the planned set list to try for a 2 a.m. finish. The word through Axl’s people was the GN’R set was minimum 2 1/2 hours and they were giving the fans ONLY a full set – no matter how late or whatever financial penalties they would incur.
So why did Guns N’ Roses take the stage so late in Toronto? It might have something to do with the fact Axl didn’t leave his downtown Toronto hotel till 11:15 p.m. for the show.
And why wasn’t Rose ready for the Toronto stage? Perhaps it had something to do with a very good time Axl and his GN’R mates had in Montreal the night before (actually, more the morning of..)
Rose made light reference to his previous night of Montreal debauchery kicking off the Toronto set, “Sorry about the time delay. I got carried away jumping off shit last night…I actually don’t remember a thing..”
After GN’R’s Montreal show the previous night, the band hit up a private club in old Montreal eventually emerging from the club at 6:30am in quite the high spirits. From there, it was time to head back to Toronto for the Air Canada Centre show that evening. And that evening started with
Rose going from his Toronto hotel room at 11:15 pm – to an awaiting vehicle speeding through traffic the ten minute drive south to the ACC – and joining his GN’R mates on the Air Canada Centre stage with the lights dimming just before 11:30 pm.
And the rush showed in a very uninspired opening of Chinese Democracy where Axl’s voice was clearly a little off. Rose exited halfway through the song to switch mics. The second song of the night, Welcome to the Jungle, was better and the songs familiarity helped to get the crowd going – but it was clear Axl’s voice was still ramping up (and Rose was maybe still waking up?)
By the time Live and Let Die rolled around forty-five minutes into the set – Rose was surely finding his voice and it was sounding strong. Axl and the band did a great version of Catcher in the Rye – in honor of J.D. Salinger who passed away that day (remarked by Rose.)
But its when the GN’R set passed the 1 a.m. mark and Axl delivered You Could Be Mine, Knockin on Heaven’s door, and November Rain you knew you were seeing classic Axl, in almost perfert form – and well worth the wait.
After the ACC show. Axl, his Guns N’ Roses bandmates, Sebastian Bach and many more partied well into the wee morning hours at a King St. Toronto club.
Guns N’ Roses wraps up the 2010 Chinese Democracy Canadian tour with three final dates out east in Quebec City, Moncton, and Halifax this week.
Thanks: Richard
Photo Credit: Richard Budman
Source: HoundsTV.com
lunedì 1 febbraio 2010
Montreal 2010 Reviews
Review: Guns N' Roses Rock Montreal Fans
MONTREAL - There’s waiting, and then there’s waiting.
There’s a teenage lifetime of dashed expectations, a lot of Patience, and an eventual 10:30 start time attending some kind of payment on an old debt.
And there’s Axl Rose, so toss the script aside and let’s see what flag we’re flying when we take ‘er home.
Guns N’ Roses finally made it back to Montreal, 17 years after a Big O riot, minus all other original members save the singer. But there would be no angry recriminations, or formal addressing of a past event that many in the crowd only heard about from their tattoed parents or older siblings. There would be a huge three-guitar arena show for just under 12,000, with enough happy pyro for a Vegas New Year’s Eve, a run through the hard rock touchstones from a 28-million-selling debut album, and the professionalism and honest rock’n’roll bonhomie we’ve come to expect from Axl Rose…
But the surprises would mark this as something else, something… unexpected: witty musical nods to Elton John, Henry Mancini and the Immigrant Song, a self-deprecating story about being winded, a reference to Kid Rock, sly references to 17 years ago, a masterfully-avoided apology, a song called Sorry, and 2 ½ hours of what can only be described as a likeable Axl Rose earning a barely-qualified win in the Bell Centre.
Let’s get to the explosions.
They came early, late and often. Chinese Democracy opened with a guitarist (either DJ Ashba or Richard Fortus) riffing atop the drum/keyboard riser, Axl running out in pin-striped shirt, jeans and fedora as the pyro went off. The stuttering guitar of Welcome to the Jungle brought the crowd up, Rose striking his fire-eater pose with
the mic. It’s So Easy brought more kabooms, bassist Tommy Stinson taking backing vocals. Still, there was a sense of much to live up to, or live down.
After Mr. Brownstone, Axl said “I think I recognize some of you… yeah, that’s right. That’s right.”
It might be reading too much into the ballad that followed – Sorry – but who can blame us?
During Live and Let Die, you noticed he was beefier (but who isn’t?).
During Street of Dreams, his Bruce-anthem move, you could finally confirm that either the screech-yowl had lost some puissance in the lower register, or the mic wasn’t picking it up. I’ll actually lean toward the latter, because for all Axl’s mini-exits during guitar solos (three of ‘em, including Ron Bumblefoot Thal’s speedfingers Pink Panther) for quick offstage shirt-changes (about six of ‘em), his energy never flagged.
And incredibly, neither did his humour. You know what’s funny? Those snake-hipped moves and stomps seemed fun rather than angry now.
You know what else is funny? The story Axl told about being chased by cops and mistaken for Kid Rock while trying to get into an MTV Awards ceremony.
At about this point, the pacing seemed off, as Rose began trimming songs from the set list – a good half dozen of them by my sheet.
The late start? Some warning about the Metro closing at 1 a.m.? No idea, but that set list was flipped around. The burbling If the World was a brave choice in this arena/hard rock context, but then, that was the point of all this band-recreation and endless recording, wasn’t it?
Better was as remarkable live as on record, revealing Stinson to be the absolute anchor of this band of whiz-bang guitarists. Rose keyed on him, drawing energy or balance from the former Replacements member.
You Could Be Mine brought the first crowd explosion, and justly so.
Sweet Child O’ Mine brought the next. And the friendly, lighthearted demeanour proved to be genuine. When he segued from an oblique reference to a ridiculous press rumour about top hats being banned at GNR shows into “You fuckers just like to tear shit up, doncha? That’s okay, I get that way myself sometimes,” you realized he had just kinda referred to the Big O while somehow bonding with the crowd and blaming no one – including, especially himself. And you were in the presence of stagecraft brilliance.
Naturally, he had to almost blow it. After the whistlin’ Patience, after Out Ta Get Me (kablammo!) and Night Train, a ballad-heavy encore had some fans heading for the exits.
When they finally pulled into Paradise City terminus at 1 a.m. (!), all those fans came streaming back to see Axl draping himself in a Fleur-de-Lis flag to the biggest roar of the night, tossing a whistle into the crowd, and kicking and roaring and beaming his way to the front of the stage. The fans had their moment, Axl had his, and it had only taken 17 years and 2 ½ hours.
© Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette
Classic Rock Montreal Review
Come inside for a review of Axl and co’s performance in Quebec, Canada on January 27.
Guns N’ Roses/Sebastian Bach/Danko Jones
Montreal Bell Centre
“All I’ve got is precious time,” Axl Rose tellingly proclaims in tonight’s opening track, the title song of Chinese Democracy. After all, why else would he seem to revel in keeping fans waiting, whether for his infamously late on stage arrivals, an album of mythical proportions that was nearly two decades in the making, or – perhaps most curiously – the overdue kickoff of the subsequent world tour?
Although the timing is perplexing, coming more than a year after the record’s release, there is one upside – it calls for a fresh reconsideration of the album’s merits: the driving chorus of Shackler’s Revenge; the unmistakable vocal cadence of the verses in Better; and the heart-wrenching ride-out of There Was A Time, among others.
It also, however, serves as a reminder of Chinese Democracy’s flaws – namely, the lack of timeless, memorable hooks that people will still pay to hear performed live in 23 years. That’s how long it’s now been since the release of Appetite For Destruction, the recording that rightfully made Guns N’ Roses an overnight sensation. Its material provides the brightest moments tonight, GN’R’s first performance in Montreal since a disastrous 1992 concert halfway through the marathon Use Your Illusion tour during which Axl left the stage after singing only nine songs, prompting a massive riot.
In contrast, tonight’s show – part of a winter tour of Canadian hockey barns, the group’s first performances in their home continent since the release of Chinese Democracy – goes off without incident. Openers Danko Jones, perhaps rock’s best-kept secret, deliver a libido-fuelled 30-minute set that drips with swaggering confidence, while ex-Skid Row front man Sebastian Bach – who seems content continuing to play a Robin- or Dr. Watson-like foil for Rose – gamely energizes the crowd with a 10-song performance culled primarily from his former band’s self-titled debut.
As for the headliner, it’s instantly clear that GN’R is now little different than any number of classic hard rock acts with only one remaining original member. Having surrounded himself in recent years with a revolving door of competent yet ultimately faceless replacements, Rose has, perhaps unwittingly, turned the spotlight even more on himself, no matter how many solos he lets his band members enjoy tonight. (His frequent wardrobe changes don’t help.)
Still, Rose – sporting a Fu Manchu, and flanked by video screens and LED back drops – admirably avoids the easy path of nostalgia taken regularly by so many of his peers, as tonight’s workmanlike, nearly three-hour set is split almost evenly between older and recent material. One only wishes he’d take to heart the most basic tenet of democracy: give the people what they want. All too often, the Chinese Democracy material falls flat next to classics such as Welcome To The Jungle and You Could Be Mine, but the magnetic presence of the slithering, itinerant front man holds your interest nonetheless.
His only overt references to the riot come during Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door – “You fuckers just like to tear shit up,” he playfully prods the crowd before thanking them genuinely for their support – and after the show-closing Paradise City, when he gives a tantalisingly cryptic tease before exiting: “You deserve the truth, but tonight’s not the time.” More proof that the King Of The Jungle sets his own hours.
Source: Classic Rock
MONTREAL - There’s waiting, and then there’s waiting.
There’s a teenage lifetime of dashed expectations, a lot of Patience, and an eventual 10:30 start time attending some kind of payment on an old debt.
And there’s Axl Rose, so toss the script aside and let’s see what flag we’re flying when we take ‘er home.
Guns N’ Roses finally made it back to Montreal, 17 years after a Big O riot, minus all other original members save the singer. But there would be no angry recriminations, or formal addressing of a past event that many in the crowd only heard about from their tattoed parents or older siblings. There would be a huge three-guitar arena show for just under 12,000, with enough happy pyro for a Vegas New Year’s Eve, a run through the hard rock touchstones from a 28-million-selling debut album, and the professionalism and honest rock’n’roll bonhomie we’ve come to expect from Axl Rose…
But the surprises would mark this as something else, something… unexpected: witty musical nods to Elton John, Henry Mancini and the Immigrant Song, a self-deprecating story about being winded, a reference to Kid Rock, sly references to 17 years ago, a masterfully-avoided apology, a song called Sorry, and 2 ½ hours of what can only be described as a likeable Axl Rose earning a barely-qualified win in the Bell Centre.
Let’s get to the explosions.
They came early, late and often. Chinese Democracy opened with a guitarist (either DJ Ashba or Richard Fortus) riffing atop the drum/keyboard riser, Axl running out in pin-striped shirt, jeans and fedora as the pyro went off. The stuttering guitar of Welcome to the Jungle brought the crowd up, Rose striking his fire-eater pose with
the mic. It’s So Easy brought more kabooms, bassist Tommy Stinson taking backing vocals. Still, there was a sense of much to live up to, or live down.
After Mr. Brownstone, Axl said “I think I recognize some of you… yeah, that’s right. That’s right.”
It might be reading too much into the ballad that followed – Sorry – but who can blame us?
During Live and Let Die, you noticed he was beefier (but who isn’t?).
During Street of Dreams, his Bruce-anthem move, you could finally confirm that either the screech-yowl had lost some puissance in the lower register, or the mic wasn’t picking it up. I’ll actually lean toward the latter, because for all Axl’s mini-exits during guitar solos (three of ‘em, including Ron Bumblefoot Thal’s speedfingers Pink Panther) for quick offstage shirt-changes (about six of ‘em), his energy never flagged.
And incredibly, neither did his humour. You know what’s funny? Those snake-hipped moves and stomps seemed fun rather than angry now.
You know what else is funny? The story Axl told about being chased by cops and mistaken for Kid Rock while trying to get into an MTV Awards ceremony.
At about this point, the pacing seemed off, as Rose began trimming songs from the set list – a good half dozen of them by my sheet.
The late start? Some warning about the Metro closing at 1 a.m.? No idea, but that set list was flipped around. The burbling If the World was a brave choice in this arena/hard rock context, but then, that was the point of all this band-recreation and endless recording, wasn’t it?
Better was as remarkable live as on record, revealing Stinson to be the absolute anchor of this band of whiz-bang guitarists. Rose keyed on him, drawing energy or balance from the former Replacements member.
You Could Be Mine brought the first crowd explosion, and justly so.
Sweet Child O’ Mine brought the next. And the friendly, lighthearted demeanour proved to be genuine. When he segued from an oblique reference to a ridiculous press rumour about top hats being banned at GNR shows into “You fuckers just like to tear shit up, doncha? That’s okay, I get that way myself sometimes,” you realized he had just kinda referred to the Big O while somehow bonding with the crowd and blaming no one – including, especially himself. And you were in the presence of stagecraft brilliance.
Naturally, he had to almost blow it. After the whistlin’ Patience, after Out Ta Get Me (kablammo!) and Night Train, a ballad-heavy encore had some fans heading for the exits.
When they finally pulled into Paradise City terminus at 1 a.m. (!), all those fans came streaming back to see Axl draping himself in a Fleur-de-Lis flag to the biggest roar of the night, tossing a whistle into the crowd, and kicking and roaring and beaming his way to the front of the stage. The fans had their moment, Axl had his, and it had only taken 17 years and 2 ½ hours.
© Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette
Classic Rock Montreal Review
Come inside for a review of Axl and co’s performance in Quebec, Canada on January 27.
Guns N’ Roses/Sebastian Bach/Danko Jones
Montreal Bell Centre
“All I’ve got is precious time,” Axl Rose tellingly proclaims in tonight’s opening track, the title song of Chinese Democracy. After all, why else would he seem to revel in keeping fans waiting, whether for his infamously late on stage arrivals, an album of mythical proportions that was nearly two decades in the making, or – perhaps most curiously – the overdue kickoff of the subsequent world tour?
Although the timing is perplexing, coming more than a year after the record’s release, there is one upside – it calls for a fresh reconsideration of the album’s merits: the driving chorus of Shackler’s Revenge; the unmistakable vocal cadence of the verses in Better; and the heart-wrenching ride-out of There Was A Time, among others.
It also, however, serves as a reminder of Chinese Democracy’s flaws – namely, the lack of timeless, memorable hooks that people will still pay to hear performed live in 23 years. That’s how long it’s now been since the release of Appetite For Destruction, the recording that rightfully made Guns N’ Roses an overnight sensation. Its material provides the brightest moments tonight, GN’R’s first performance in Montreal since a disastrous 1992 concert halfway through the marathon Use Your Illusion tour during which Axl left the stage after singing only nine songs, prompting a massive riot.
In contrast, tonight’s show – part of a winter tour of Canadian hockey barns, the group’s first performances in their home continent since the release of Chinese Democracy – goes off without incident. Openers Danko Jones, perhaps rock’s best-kept secret, deliver a libido-fuelled 30-minute set that drips with swaggering confidence, while ex-Skid Row front man Sebastian Bach – who seems content continuing to play a Robin- or Dr. Watson-like foil for Rose – gamely energizes the crowd with a 10-song performance culled primarily from his former band’s self-titled debut.
As for the headliner, it’s instantly clear that GN’R is now little different than any number of classic hard rock acts with only one remaining original member. Having surrounded himself in recent years with a revolving door of competent yet ultimately faceless replacements, Rose has, perhaps unwittingly, turned the spotlight even more on himself, no matter how many solos he lets his band members enjoy tonight. (His frequent wardrobe changes don’t help.)
Still, Rose – sporting a Fu Manchu, and flanked by video screens and LED back drops – admirably avoids the easy path of nostalgia taken regularly by so many of his peers, as tonight’s workmanlike, nearly three-hour set is split almost evenly between older and recent material. One only wishes he’d take to heart the most basic tenet of democracy: give the people what they want. All too often, the Chinese Democracy material falls flat next to classics such as Welcome To The Jungle and You Could Be Mine, but the magnetic presence of the slithering, itinerant front man holds your interest nonetheless.
His only overt references to the riot come during Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door – “You fuckers just like to tear shit up,” he playfully prods the crowd before thanking them genuinely for their support – and after the show-closing Paradise City, when he gives a tantalisingly cryptic tease before exiting: “You deserve the truth, but tonight’s not the time.” More proof that the King Of The Jungle sets his own hours.
Source: Classic Rock
mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010
GN'R South America Tour 2010
Con l'annuncio della data argentina del 20 marzo allo Stadio River Plate di Buenos Aires (dove si tenne la storica ultima data dello 'Use Your Illusion Tour'), si è delineato un quadro abbastanza preciso della tournèe sudamericana dei Guns N' Roses. Un paio di date brasiliane debbono ancora avere la conferma ufficiale, però...
March 7th, 2010
Brasília, Brazil @ Ginásio Nilson Nelson
March 10th, 2010
Belo Horizonte, Brazil @ Ginásio Jornalista Felipe Drumond (Mineirinho)
March 13th, 2010
São Paulo, Brazil @ Palestra Itália Stadium TBA
March 14th, 2010
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ Praça da Apoteose TBA
March 16th, 2010
Porto Alegre, Brazil @ Ginásio Gigantinho TBA
March 18th, 2010
Montevideo, Uruguay @ Estadio Centenario
March 20th, 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina @ Estadio River Plate
March 22nd, 2010
Santiago, Chile @ Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos
March 25th, 2010
Lima, Peru @ La Explanada Sur del Estadio Monumental
March 7th, 2010
Brasília, Brazil @ Ginásio Nilson Nelson
March 10th, 2010
Belo Horizonte, Brazil @ Ginásio Jornalista Felipe Drumond (Mineirinho)
March 13th, 2010
São Paulo, Brazil @ Palestra Itália Stadium TBA
March 14th, 2010
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ Praça da Apoteose TBA
March 16th, 2010
Porto Alegre, Brazil @ Ginásio Gigantinho TBA
March 18th, 2010
Montevideo, Uruguay @ Estadio Centenario
March 20th, 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina @ Estadio River Plate
March 22nd, 2010
Santiago, Chile @ Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos
March 25th, 2010
Lima, Peru @ La Explanada Sur del Estadio Monumental
venerdì 15 gennaio 2010
The 'Rolling Stone' Winnipeg Review
Sometimes with Axl Rose, all you need is just a little patience. Other times, you need a little more than a little. Guns N’ Roses’ Wednesday night concert in Winnipeg, Canada — their first North American date (and fifth show overall) since the release of Chinese Democracy in 2008 — was, thankfully, a case of the former.
After making the world wait nearly a generation for his sixth studio album, and then keeping fans on hold for more than a year for a tour, Rose wasted little time getting down to business in the Great White North. The frontman and his septet took the stage shortly after 10:40 p.m. — practically a matinee for the notorious Rose. And once they got down to business, they certainly made up for any lost time, treating 7,500 fans at the city’s MTS Centre to a high-energy three-hour marathon of new material and classic GN’R hits.
Following the basic template laid out on the band’s Asian dates in December, they kicked open the doors with the title cut from Chinese Democracy, followed by the one-two-three punch of “Welcome to the Jungle,” “It’s So Easy” and “Mr. Brownstone” from 1987’s Appetite for Destruction. From the moment Rose opened his mouth to scream, “You know where you are? You’re in the jungle, baybeeee!” it was clear his corroded air-raid siren of a voice had lost little of its range, rage or power. Likewise, the rest of the band — guitarists Richard Fortus, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal and DJ Ashba, keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman, drummer Frank Ferrer and bassist Tommy Stinson (formerly of The Replacements) — hit the ground running, tearing through most of Appetite and Democracy, with a few cuts from the 1991 Use Your Illusion albums (including covers of “Live and Let Die” and “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”) sprinkled in for good measure.
Although he appeared to be in good spirits, between songs Rose kept fairly quiet, offering little beyond the usual thank-yous and how-is-everybody banter. In fact, for a guy who wields such a commanding musical presence, he spent much of the evening shining the spotlight on his bandmates, bolting from the stage during every instrumental break and introducing nearly every player for a solo segment (best of the bunch: Stinson’s suitably snotty bash ’n’ pop version of the Who’s “My Generation”). Rose also posted a backstage photo on his Twitter, and wrote, “Excited 2 get this rolling. In r off time we’ll b helping Mounties flush out Al Qaeda. (What’s that aboot, Eh? jk)” in one of his first three tweets since the new year began.
The gigantic three-runway black stage and high-tech production — which included all the requisite video screens, moving light trusses, pyro, percussion bombs and confetti cannons — also commanded plenty of attention. But not enough to overshadow Rose’s and co.’s triumphant return to North America. Now, you just have to wait for them to make it to the States. All you need is just a little … well, you know.
Set List:
“Chinese Democracy”
“Welcome to the Jungle”
“It’s So Easy”
“Mr. Brownstone”
“Shackler’s Revenge”
Richard Fortus Spotlight
“Live and Let Die”
“If the World”
Dizzy Reed Solo
“Street of Dreams”
“You Could Be Mine”
DJ Ashba Spotlight
“Sweet Child o’ Mine”
Axl Rose Piano Solo
“November Rain”
“O Canada” / “Pink Panther” (Bumblefoot Spotlight)
“Out Ta Get Me”
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”
“This I Love”
Frank Ferrer Drum Solo
“Rocket Queen”
“My Generation” (Tommy Stinson Spotlight)
“Paradise City”
Darryl Sterdan
After making the world wait nearly a generation for his sixth studio album, and then keeping fans on hold for more than a year for a tour, Rose wasted little time getting down to business in the Great White North. The frontman and his septet took the stage shortly after 10:40 p.m. — practically a matinee for the notorious Rose. And once they got down to business, they certainly made up for any lost time, treating 7,500 fans at the city’s MTS Centre to a high-energy three-hour marathon of new material and classic GN’R hits.
Following the basic template laid out on the band’s Asian dates in December, they kicked open the doors with the title cut from Chinese Democracy, followed by the one-two-three punch of “Welcome to the Jungle,” “It’s So Easy” and “Mr. Brownstone” from 1987’s Appetite for Destruction. From the moment Rose opened his mouth to scream, “You know where you are? You’re in the jungle, baybeeee!” it was clear his corroded air-raid siren of a voice had lost little of its range, rage or power. Likewise, the rest of the band — guitarists Richard Fortus, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal and DJ Ashba, keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman, drummer Frank Ferrer and bassist Tommy Stinson (formerly of The Replacements) — hit the ground running, tearing through most of Appetite and Democracy, with a few cuts from the 1991 Use Your Illusion albums (including covers of “Live and Let Die” and “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”) sprinkled in for good measure.
Although he appeared to be in good spirits, between songs Rose kept fairly quiet, offering little beyond the usual thank-yous and how-is-everybody banter. In fact, for a guy who wields such a commanding musical presence, he spent much of the evening shining the spotlight on his bandmates, bolting from the stage during every instrumental break and introducing nearly every player for a solo segment (best of the bunch: Stinson’s suitably snotty bash ’n’ pop version of the Who’s “My Generation”). Rose also posted a backstage photo on his Twitter, and wrote, “Excited 2 get this rolling. In r off time we’ll b helping Mounties flush out Al Qaeda. (What’s that aboot, Eh? jk)” in one of his first three tweets since the new year began.
The gigantic three-runway black stage and high-tech production — which included all the requisite video screens, moving light trusses, pyro, percussion bombs and confetti cannons — also commanded plenty of attention. But not enough to overshadow Rose’s and co.’s triumphant return to North America. Now, you just have to wait for them to make it to the States. All you need is just a little … well, you know.
Set List:
“Chinese Democracy”
“Welcome to the Jungle”
“It’s So Easy”
“Mr. Brownstone”
“Shackler’s Revenge”
Richard Fortus Spotlight
“Live and Let Die”
“If the World”
Dizzy Reed Solo
“Street of Dreams”
“You Could Be Mine”
DJ Ashba Spotlight
“Sweet Child o’ Mine”
Axl Rose Piano Solo
“November Rain”
“O Canada” / “Pink Panther” (Bumblefoot Spotlight)
“Out Ta Get Me”
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”
“This I Love”
Frank Ferrer Drum Solo
“Rocket Queen”
“My Generation” (Tommy Stinson Spotlight)
“Paradise City”
Darryl Sterdan
giovedì 14 gennaio 2010
Guns N' Roses show a massive rock 'n' roll spectacle
Winnipeg Free Press - ONLINE EDITION
By: Rob Williams
WINNIPEG — Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses toured in support of Chinese Democracy four times before the album was finally released in November, 2008, 17 years after the last album of GNR originals.
Then nothing. No tour to support the album and only one promotional media interview from the reclusive frontman.
Concert Review
Guns N' Roses
Jan. 13, 2010
MTS Centre
Attendance: 7,500
4 stars out of five
At least a bunch of people in America got a free Dr. Pepper.
A year later Rose announced he was ready to hit the road in support of the long-awaited album with four shows in Asia and 13 in Canada, the first in Winnipeg at the MTS Centre on Wednesday where they last played in December, 2006.
Why they chose to tour Canada in January, and start in Winnipeg, is anybody's guess, but the 2010 live version of Guns N' Roses is a sight to behold. The show is a massive rock 'n' roll spectacle as 7,500 fans witnessed Wednesday during a two-hour and 50-minute show featuring most of the new album and the band's greatest hits.
The unofficial over/under betting line on the band's start time was 10:30 p.m., and anyone who knows anything about GNR would have had their money on over. The group took the stage at the perfectly decent time of 10:45 p.m., 75 minutes earlier than in 2006, but still more than an hour after opener Sebastian Bach left the stage.
A series of fireworks encircling the stage exploded to start the show before the opening chords of Chinese Democracy kicked in and Rose ran on stage zigzagging his way through his seven-piece band. He was in constant motion throughout the whole song, looking a little like Kid Rock in jeans, a white shirt and fedora, albeit with more facial hair.
More explosions signaled the end of the opener before the familiar riff to Welcome to the Jungle rang out and a huge roar erupted from the crowd as Rose screeched: "Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby. You're gonna diiiiiieeee."
He dumped the hat to reveal a red bandana (and no cornrows!) during the song and showed off his two favourite dance moves -- that weird serpentine slither and a series of herky-jerky bounce steps -- which would be repeated numerous times throughout the night whenever the 47-year-old wasn't running around on the massive stage shaped like the top half of a chalk outline of a body with fluorescent orange tape providing the piping. The circular "head" jutted out from the main body and two "arms" extended out on either side, curving slightly when they hit the seats. The drums were on a riser on the stage's torso flanked by two sets of stairs which ran up behind it while a set of circular lighting rigs with its own LED system moved vertically above it.
Rose's distinctive nasally whine is still in fine form, as he displayed on the swaggering It's So Easy and the drug ode, Mr. Brownstone, two classics from the band's 1987 debut, Appetite for Destruction, that help open the show. He looked and sounded as good as ever, but still relies on TelePrompTers to help out in case he forgets some lyrics.
And he even appeared to be enjoying himself, flashing the occasional smile and offering up some between song banter with the crowd.
"It's nice to be with you tonight. It's nice of you to turn up the heat for us while we're here," he said, referencing the warm weather, before launching into the new Shackler's Revenge, which gave his three guitarists --- Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal, Richard Fortus and DJ Ashba--- a chance to show off some riffs Slash didn't write and allowed Rose to head backstage, something he did often throughout the night.
Massive flames shot in the air and concussion bombs exploded for the band's wall-of-guitars cover of Live and Let Die before they slowed things down with Sorry, If the World and Street of Dreams, three new songs that show off Rose's two best-known sides: ticked off and tender.
They got back into the hard rock boogie with Better, before pulling out some more old faves, with the caustic You Could Be Mine, Sweet Child O' Mine and November Rain, featuring Rose playing a grand piano at centre stage. Each song was given extra heft by the sheer amount of musicians on stage, each of whom got his own solo.
The metal-blues drinking anthem Night Train finished the main 130-minute set before the band returned for a six-song encore, highlighted by Rocket Queen, the ballad Patience and customary show closer Paradise City, climaxing with confetti being shot into the audience and more explosions.
"Have a good night, be safe. We love you and we'll see you again," Rose said after he and his band mates took a bow.
Knowing Rose, anything is possible.
By: Rob Williams
WINNIPEG — Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses toured in support of Chinese Democracy four times before the album was finally released in November, 2008, 17 years after the last album of GNR originals.
Then nothing. No tour to support the album and only one promotional media interview from the reclusive frontman.
Concert Review
Guns N' Roses
Jan. 13, 2010
MTS Centre
Attendance: 7,500
4 stars out of five
At least a bunch of people in America got a free Dr. Pepper.
A year later Rose announced he was ready to hit the road in support of the long-awaited album with four shows in Asia and 13 in Canada, the first in Winnipeg at the MTS Centre on Wednesday where they last played in December, 2006.
Why they chose to tour Canada in January, and start in Winnipeg, is anybody's guess, but the 2010 live version of Guns N' Roses is a sight to behold. The show is a massive rock 'n' roll spectacle as 7,500 fans witnessed Wednesday during a two-hour and 50-minute show featuring most of the new album and the band's greatest hits.
The unofficial over/under betting line on the band's start time was 10:30 p.m., and anyone who knows anything about GNR would have had their money on over. The group took the stage at the perfectly decent time of 10:45 p.m., 75 minutes earlier than in 2006, but still more than an hour after opener Sebastian Bach left the stage.
A series of fireworks encircling the stage exploded to start the show before the opening chords of Chinese Democracy kicked in and Rose ran on stage zigzagging his way through his seven-piece band. He was in constant motion throughout the whole song, looking a little like Kid Rock in jeans, a white shirt and fedora, albeit with more facial hair.
More explosions signaled the end of the opener before the familiar riff to Welcome to the Jungle rang out and a huge roar erupted from the crowd as Rose screeched: "Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby. You're gonna diiiiiieeee."
He dumped the hat to reveal a red bandana (and no cornrows!) during the song and showed off his two favourite dance moves -- that weird serpentine slither and a series of herky-jerky bounce steps -- which would be repeated numerous times throughout the night whenever the 47-year-old wasn't running around on the massive stage shaped like the top half of a chalk outline of a body with fluorescent orange tape providing the piping. The circular "head" jutted out from the main body and two "arms" extended out on either side, curving slightly when they hit the seats. The drums were on a riser on the stage's torso flanked by two sets of stairs which ran up behind it while a set of circular lighting rigs with its own LED system moved vertically above it.
Rose's distinctive nasally whine is still in fine form, as he displayed on the swaggering It's So Easy and the drug ode, Mr. Brownstone, two classics from the band's 1987 debut, Appetite for Destruction, that help open the show. He looked and sounded as good as ever, but still relies on TelePrompTers to help out in case he forgets some lyrics.
And he even appeared to be enjoying himself, flashing the occasional smile and offering up some between song banter with the crowd.
"It's nice to be with you tonight. It's nice of you to turn up the heat for us while we're here," he said, referencing the warm weather, before launching into the new Shackler's Revenge, which gave his three guitarists --- Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal, Richard Fortus and DJ Ashba--- a chance to show off some riffs Slash didn't write and allowed Rose to head backstage, something he did often throughout the night.
Massive flames shot in the air and concussion bombs exploded for the band's wall-of-guitars cover of Live and Let Die before they slowed things down with Sorry, If the World and Street of Dreams, three new songs that show off Rose's two best-known sides: ticked off and tender.
They got back into the hard rock boogie with Better, before pulling out some more old faves, with the caustic You Could Be Mine, Sweet Child O' Mine and November Rain, featuring Rose playing a grand piano at centre stage. Each song was given extra heft by the sheer amount of musicians on stage, each of whom got his own solo.
The metal-blues drinking anthem Night Train finished the main 130-minute set before the band returned for a six-song encore, highlighted by Rocket Queen, the ballad Patience and customary show closer Paradise City, climaxing with confetti being shot into the audience and more explosions.
"Have a good night, be safe. We love you and we'll see you again," Rose said after he and his band mates took a bow.
Knowing Rose, anything is possible.
mercoledì 13 gennaio 2010
Canadian Tour Promotional Video 2 - Shots from Asia!!!
Ecco uno spot x la data del 25 gennaio al LaBatt Center. Favolose le immagini dalle date asiatiche...
lunedì 11 gennaio 2010
Nuovi "leaks"?!
Sono recentemente apparsi su YouTube alcuni video ke riproducono clip di brani che, secondo alcuni, risalirebbero al primo periodo post-UYI Tour, ossia della tutt'altro ke serena e produttiva collaborazione tra Slash e Paul "Huge" Tobias...
domenica 3 gennaio 2010
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